
"Effective job search isn't about fitting yourself into an available job. It's about deciding what truly fits and being strategic in how you go after it."

Wayne Greenway, Career Aviators


Since 2011, I have led the growth of Career Aviators as a social purpose business. 

Nothing excites me more than when a client finds a position in which he/she will excel, value highly and love to do. I am proud of maintaining a 93% success rate in helping clients find just these kinds of positions. 

This success comes from investing in helping clients to discover who they are and how they want to develop themselves in their next role. Landing the right job is a result of their effort and our consistent weekly consultations throughout their search. 

I bring to this work decades of experience helping individuals and organizations to achieve goals that they never thought possible. My experience conducting more than 5,000 interviews over my career also gives me a unique hiring manager’s perspective on the job search process.

During my leisure, you will find me farming, learning to play tennis, running, cycling, skating or “cooking up a storm” in the kitchen.


About Career Aviators

Check out our awesome video about our process at Career Aviators.


Career Aviators began in 2011 because of my belief that it was possible for a sole proprietor to be a "force for good" in the world. Today, Career Aviators is Canada's only Career Management firm that operates as a social purpose business. All profit from our work is gifted to charitable organizations to help vulnerable youth to flourish in the face of stressful life situations.

Career Aviators helps professionals, managers, and executives find positions in which they will excel, value highly, and love to do.

We are proud of our 93% success rate in helping clients to achieve this goal. We see clients in North America and Ireland on a weekly basis from the initiation of service until they are employed in a job that fits. We provide career planning and transition support to serve those in the early, middle and late stages of their career

We also provide intensive training for a limited number of highly talented individuals who wish to become Career Management professionals. 

Career Aviators relies on an outstanding team of Consulting Professionals and Student Associate Consultants to enable us to provide the highest quality of career mentoring for our clients.